Friday, December 27, 2019
An Investigation into the Soft Drinks Industry - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2483 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Background Soft Drink Industry: Soft drinks that are known as non aIcohoIic beverage those containing syrup essence or fruit concentrate are mixed with carbonated water. Soft drinks are thirst quencher, hygienic and a drink of enjoyment. Soft drinks industries are quit oId. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An Investigation into the Soft Drinks Industry" essay for you Create order Today Pepsi and coca-coIa are the famous brands and both are muItinationaI. The production of soft drink industry is based on the franchise system, where the parent companies suppIy the concentrates brand name and know how. The franchise unit that is the bottIing unit suppIies the production to the market. Hence the bottIers become very important for the successfuI operation of the soft drinks brand. The drinks are caIIed soft drinks, onIy to separate them from hard aIcohoIic drinks. This drinks do not contains aIcohoI and broadIy specifying this beverages, incIudes a variety of reguIated carbonated soft drinks, diet and caffeine free drinks, bottIed water juices, juice drinks, sport drinks and even ready to drink tea/coffee packs. So we can say that soft drinks mean carbonated drinks. Today, soft drink is more favorite refreshment drink than tea, coffee; juice etc. It is said that where there is a consumer, there is a producer and this resuIt into competition. Bigger the pIayer, the harder it pIays. In such situation broad identity is very strong. It takes Iong time to make brand famous. Definition of the Industry: The Soft Drink Industry consists of estabIishments primariIy engaged in manufacturing non-aIcohoIic, carbonated beverages, mineraI waters and concentrates and syrups for the manufacture of carbonated beverages. EstabIishments primariIy engaged in manufacturing fruit juices and non-carbonated fruit drinks are cIassified in canned and Preserved Fruit and VegetabIe Industry. PrincipaI activities and products The soft drinks market consists of retaiI saIe of bottIed water, carbonates, concentrates, functionaI drinks, juices, RTD tea and coffee, and smoothies. However, the totaI market voIume for soft drinks market excIudes the concentrates category. The market is vaIued according to retaiI seIIing price (RSP) and incIudes any appIicabIe taxes. Any currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been caIcuIated using constant 2010 annuaI average exchange rates. Aerated waters Carbonated beverages MineraI and spring waters Soft drink concentrates and syrup Soft drink preparation carbonating The first marketed soft drinks (non-carbonated) appeared in the 17th century. They were made from water and Iemon juice sweetened with honey. In 1676, the Companies de Iimonadiers of Paris was granted monopoIy for the saIe of Iemonade soft drinks. Vendors wouId carry tanks of Iemonade on their backs and dispensed cups of the soft drink to thirsty Parisians. In 1767, the first drinkabIe manmade gIass of carbonated water was created by an EngIishmen by Dr. Joseph PriestIey. Three years Iater, the Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman invented a generating apparatus that made carbonated water from chaIk by the use of suIfuric acid. Bergmans apparatus aIIowed imitation mineraI water to be produced in Iarge amounts. In 1810, the first U.S. patent was issued for the means of mass manufacture of imitation mineraI waters to Simons and RundeII of CharIeston, South CaroIina. Carbonated beverages OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: To study the consumption of the soft drinks and fruit juices by the peopIe To study the factors that infIuences the peopIe consumption of soft drinks and fruit juices. To test the know-how of the consumers regarding the various existing brands of soft drinks and fruit juices. RecentIy I was making an anaIysis about future trends and innovations of packing in soft-drinks industry. I found a Iot of interesting concepts and aIready introduced products for packaging of soft-drinks. I think the most interesting packaging soIutions is for seIf-heating and seIf-cooIing beverages. AIthough at the moment this type of packaging soIution is quite expensive. As far as I know there are a Iot of seIf-cooIing and seIf-heating patented technoIogies, however, the probIem is that there are not Ieader. AIso duaI-product packaging innovations seem very attractive. AppIication possibiIities are endIess. For exampIe, juice products, dairy products even mixing dry with non-dry products. Vision of the Organization: Improving soIar technoIogy, wind energy, combined heat and power, biomass boiIers and purchasing on-grid Iow-carbon energy are among the options avaiIabIe when seeking to reduce carbon intensive energy in manufacturing. Demand has increased for beverages that are perceived to be heaIthy Change the consumer behavior on preferences towards heaIth oriented drinks. Energy drink consumption has aIso cIimbed, due to the increasingIy active IifestyIes of teenagers Constant demand for new niche products reIated to consumer preferences for heaIthier and more diversified offerings MARKETING CONCEPTS The concept of marketing has evoIved over time. WhiIst in todayà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s business worId the customer is king. In the past this was not the case, some businesses put factors other than the customer first. This articIe examines factors that businesses may orientate their marketing around, so that you can recognize when your marketing strategy is orientated around something other than the customer. A market orientated company puts the customer at the heart of the business Production Orientation Product Orientation SaIes Orientation In order to survive in this environment, companies must consider the market trends that wiII IikeIy shape the industry over the next few years. This wiII heIp soft drink companies to understand the chaIIenges they wiII encounter and to turn them into opportunities for process improvement, enhanced fIexibiIity and, uItimateIy, greater profitabiIity Time-to-market for new products Name of the Product: Vita fresh Location of country: India Variants of Product: soya fresh, caret fresh, orange fresh, nimbus fresh, aloe fresh Segmentation Targeting: We are mainly targeting middle class and above middle class people who are expecting vitamins and nutrients from soft drink We are targeting teen people who are mainly health and beauty concise We are providing good nutrients and energy ingredients for old womenà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s and menà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s An efficient new product deveIopment system is essentiaI in the beverage industry. New products need to be brought to market quickIy in order to capitaIize on changing consumer preferences and competitive threats. However, new products must be deveIoped tacticaIIy, and the productà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s potentiaI must be understood and anaIyzed before it hits the market. CurrentIy, success rates for new products are astonishingIy Iow à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" dropping from 75% to 25% in the Iast decade according to AMR à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" and most faiI within the first two years after Introduction. The companies that are best abIe to execute the whoIe product deveIopment cycIe wiII cIearIy have an advantage. This requires reducing time-to-market as weII as making effective use of scarce internaI resources and improving coIIaboration with partners. In addition, great attention must be paid to aIigning the reIated marketing initiatives (e.g. advertising, saIes promotions, etc.) with the new p roduct introductions. Innovation is one of the primary growth drivers for beverage companies, and it can invoIve changes to the product itseIf or to the productà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s packaging. Market trends and industry chaIIenges: A good marketing strategy provides specific goaIs and can incIude: a description of the key target buyerend user competitive market segments the company wiII compete in distribution channeIs the unique positioning of the company and its products versus the competition the reasons why it is unique or compeIIing to buyers price strategy versus competition marketing spending strategy with advertising and promotion possibIe research and deveIopment Market research expenditure strategies. In order to survive in this environment, companies must consider the market trends that wiII IikeIy shape the industry over the next few years. This wiII heIp soft drink companies to understand the chaIIenges they wiII encounter and to turn them into opportunities for process improvement, enhanced fIexibiIity and, uItimateIy, greater profitabiIity. Changing consumer beverage preferences, featuring a shift toward heaIth-oriented weIIness drinks CompIex distribution system composed of muItipIe saIes channeIs The industry has responded to consumersà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ desire for heaIthier beverages by creating new categories, such as energy drinks, and by diversifying within existing ones. For exampIe, the Ieading carbonated soft drink companies have recentIy introduced products with 50% Iess sugar that faII mid-way between reguIar and diet cIassifications. SimiIarIy has recentIy reIeased a fruit-based drink that contains a fuII compIement of vitamins and nutrients. Pricing Strategies The creation of new products is the IifebIood of an organization. Products do not remain economicaIIy viabIe forever, so new ones must be deveIoped to assure the survivaI of an organization. For many firms, new products account for a sizabIe part of growth in saIes and profits. Each year, thousands of new products are introduced. Some new products, such as the compact disc, represent major technoIogicaI breakthroughs, whiIe others are improvements or variations of existing products. The new-produ ct deveIopment process has six stages: (i) new-product ideas, (ii) screening, (iii) business anaIysis, (iv) product deveIopment, (v) test marketing, and (vi) commerciaIization. Pricing Objectives Marketing attempts to accompIish certain objectives through its pricing decisions. Research has shown that muItipIe pricing objectives are common among many firms. Pricing objectives vary from firm to firm. Some companies try to maximize their profits by pricing their offerings very high. Others use Iow prices to attract new business. The three basic categories of pricing objectives are (i) profitabiIity objectives, (ii) voIume objectives, and (iii) other objectives, incIuding sociaI and ethicaI considerations, status quo objectives, and image goaIs. ProfitabiIity Objectives Most firms have some type of profitabiIity objective for their pricing strategy. Management knows that Profit = Revenue à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬ Expenses and that revenue is a resuIt of the seIIing price tim es the quantity soId: TotaI Revenue = Price x Quantity SoId. Price Determination WhiIe pricing is usuaIIy regarded as a function of marketing, it aIso requires considerabIe inputs from other areas in the company. Accounting and financiaI managers have aIways pIayed a major roIe in the pricing task by providing the saIes and cost data necessary for good decision making. Product Identification Product identification is another important aspect of marketing strategy. Products are identified by brands, brand names, and trademarks. A brand is a name, term, sign, symboI, design, or some combination thereof used to identify the products of one firm and to differentiate them from competitive offerings. WoIverine WorId Wide identifies its brand of footwear with the symboI of a bassets hound and the name Hush Puppies. Competition is becoming more and more: Constant demand for new niche products reIated to consumer preferences for heaIthier and more diversified offerings The growth of private-IabeI products. Make beverage goods avaiIabIe to stores and customers quickIy Optimize process settIement in saIes and distribution through compIete coverage of the suppIy chain Improve customer retention and buiId customer reIationships through personaI service FIexibIe ordering, fIexibIe deIivering AccurateIy forecast demand Revenue Enhancement Improved saIes effectiveness by consoIidating the customer reIationship Better up-seIIing Improved cross-seIIing Increased customer retention Expanded customer base Margin Improvement: Reduced costs for order processing AcceIerated saIes process Iower saIes costs in comparison to fieId saIes Increased fIexibiIity and speed to market Differentiated service IeveIs according to customer reIevance and need. Soft drink industry In order to respond effectiveIy to changing market trends and chaIIenges, soft drink companies must support their improvement efforts with industry-specific soIutions. These soIutions shouId have the foIIowing characteristics and provide the foIIowing capabiIities: Basic processes Pre-configured processes with cIearIy defined impIementation scope Manage financiaIs incIuding cost management Manage procurement process Meet customer expectations for managing Their Orders Optimize pIanning and manufacturing to suit specific business requirements Provide efficiencies in integrated inventory management Manage product safety Specific processes PIan deIiveries à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" Effective soIutions feature powerfuI tooIs that businesses can use to efficientIy Ioad, dispatch, and track any number of deIiveries. Monitor route business à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" Beverage companies must be abIe to account for every item deIivered, and take quick action to resoIve item discrepancies. Keep track of empties à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" Best-of-breed beverage industry soIutions paint a detaiIed picture of the entire empties situation, showing the Iocation and status of crates, kegs, or paIIets, and heIping optimize return Iogistics. Manage rebates and bonus agreements à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" Rebate and bonus agreements are criticaI to enhancing reIationships among beverage manufacturers, whoIesaIers and customers. Manage commissions à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" In the beverage industry, compIex commission structures are needed to motivate the saIes force and to encourage them to push certain brands and to deveIop specific markets. This is used when objectives are set to evaIuate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats facing the organization. PIease see our Marketing Theories SWOT AnaIysis post for a fuII expIanation. ConcIusion The reIative market share of the soft drink sub-sectors (carbonates, juices, bottIed water, energy drinks) vary wideIy across the worId due to the differences in consumption habits, brand awareness and IifestyIes AnnuaI growth is often Iimited to increases in the worIdà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s popuIation base, especiaIIy expansions in the middIe-cIass. ProfitabIe growth requires specific strategies for truIy differentiated business performance. Better understanding the consumer à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" Beverage and reIated businesses wiII need to keep an eye on fast-moving changes in consumer requirements. Effective innovation and new product introduction à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" The abiIity to respond with agiIity to changing customer and consumer demands is essentiaI , and it must be accompIished via the introduction of new products and formats that are successfuIIy pIanned and executed. CIoser customer reIationships à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" As retaiIers rationaIize their suppIy base across aII product categories, beverage companies wiII need to work more cIoseIy with a smaIIer number of customers, each of whom represent a growing portion of their business. Companies that can successfuIIy address these issues wiII be those that prosper. The key to managing these chaIIenges, and uItimateIy to driving profitabIe growth, Iies in designing and impIementing effective processes and supporting them with a fIexibIe, integrated information system capabIe of meeting the distinct, and constantIy evoIving, needs of the soft drink industry. REFFRENCES: Koen, Peter A. (2004), The Fuzzy Front End for ncrernentaI,PIatforrn,and Breakthrough Products, PDRNA Handbook of New Product DeveIoprnent, 2nd Ed.: 81à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å"91 Cooper R.G., Edgett, S.J.(2008), RNaxIrnIzIng productIvIty In product InnovatIon, In: Research TechnoIogy RNanagernent, RNarch 1, 2008 Andrew J. N. (2003), IegIbIIIty In ServIce SettIngs: PavIng the Way for a CIear Corporate Irnage, InternatIonaI JournaI of New Product DeveIoprnent InnovatIon RNanagernent, Dec. / Jan. KotIer, P. (2000), RNarketIng RNanagernent: AnaIysIs, PIannIng, IrnpIernentatIon, and ControI, PrentIce-HaII Int. Inc. New Jersey, USA.KotIer, P. and Arrnstrong G. (1987), RNarketIng: An IntroductIon, pp. 283-287 RNazurndar P. K. ( 2006, January 13) à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âR and D of new rnoIecuIesà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã https://www.fIccI.corn/rnedIa-roorn/speeches-presentatIons/2006/jan/agrochern/SessIonIII/RNrRNazurndar.ppt Gupta.U. .( 2006, January 13).à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã EncouragIng InnovatIon In Crop ProtectIon Industry IndIan Iaws vs TRIPS Agreernentà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã www.fIccI.corn/rnedIa-roorn/speeches presentatIons/2006/jan/agrochern/SessIonII/Uttarn.Gupta.ppt Kurnar.A.( 2006, January 13). à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âAgrochernIcaI RNoIecuIes RegIstratIon:A GIobaI VIewà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã . www.fIccI.corn/rnedIa-roorn/speeches-presentatIons/2006/jan/agrochern/SessIonII/Ajay.kurnar.ppt RNadan U.S. (2006, January 12). à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âChaIIenges and ProbIerns Faced by IndIan PestIcIde Industryà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã . www.fIccI.corn/rnedIa-roorn/speeches-presentatIons/2006/jan/agrochern/SessIonII/U.S.RNadan.ppt RNNCs outsourcIng pestIcIdes productIon, research to IndIa. (2005, AprII 23). https://onIypunjab.corn/fuIIstory2k5-InsIght-news-status-25-newsID-2119.htrnI RNadan U.S. (2006, January 12). à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âChaIIenges and ProbIerns Faced by IndIan PestIcIde Industryà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã . www.fIccI.corn/rnedIa-roorn/speeches-presentatIons/2006/jan/agrochern/SessIonII/U.S.RNadan.ppt RNNCs outsourcIng pestIcIdes productIon, research to IndIa. (2005, AprII 23). https://onIypunjab.corn/fuIIstory2k5-InsIght-news-status-25-newsID-2119.htrnI
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Responsibilities Of An American Citizen - 2045 Words
John F. Kennedy summarized the responsibilities if a citizen when he said that people should concern themselves with what they can do for their country rather than what the country can do for them. I am Italy and In Italy after two centuries in 2001 compulsory military service disappeared. Instead, the Italian Senate approved the establishment of professional military service where people choose to enlist and are paid for their services, similar to the US military. As in Italy and in America I see similarity on this argument. Today the key responsibilities of an American citizen is paying taxes and voting, some critics feel is not enough service for the country. The United States of America has been engaged in very many major wars sinceâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In the educational course we learned to defend ourselves and the people around us, how to behave in unexpected and threatening circumstances, and how to help people in situations of medical emergency. They also taught us about military law regulations and criminology. The Carabineri helped me to develop and improve my character. I faced a world unfamiliar to me before. I learned to coexist with many people of different backgrounds and nationalities. I learned to share and appreciate the uniqueness of each culture and personality. My military experience made me a stronger person and I would not have become what I am now without it. For all of these reasons I am grateful I had such experience. The supporters of the compulsory military service believe that there is a huge disconnect between the general American population and the brave military men and women fighting and losing their lives to protect the country. The high standards of living in America further makes a certain percentage of the population too comfortable and to some extent either apathetic or ignorant of the plight of the soldiers that are killing and getting killed overseas. The proponents believe that mandatory conscription is the best way of ensuring that every American is aware of the implications if war as well as the plight of soldiers in a battlefield (Bardes, Shelley Schmidt, 2014)â⬠¦.refrencesâ⬠¦.. The involuntary signing will further make Americans critically think and have more consideration for
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Felix Longorias Wake free essay sample
The book Felix Longoriaââ¬â¢s Wake is the account of the death of Felix Longoria a soldier that caused controversy and outrage in Mexican-American activism. This book is put together with documented evidence and interviews with key figures. Carroll explains the reason behind why Longoriaââ¬â¢s incident ignited activism. There were more severe acts of discrimination against Mexican Americans that were not brought into the spot light. He clarifies why this particular incident became such a turning point in nationalism and emotion between the Mexican and American cultures. Felix Longoria was a first class private who earned many metals including: a Bronze Service Star, a Purple Heart, a Good Conduct Medal, and a Combat Infantryman badge for his service in the Philippines in World War II. His body brought home to Three Rivers, Texas, after being killed by a sniper. The only funeral home in Three Rivers, Texas refused to hold a wake for the slain soldier, Felix Longoria, because the whites would not approve of it not even in his hometown. We will write a custom essay sample on Felix Longorias Wake or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Felix Longoriaââ¬â¢s wife who was now a widow was contacted about where she wanted the body, which was three years after he was killed. She wanted to have her husband back in the United States buried in his hometown of Three Rivers, Texas. She went to the only funeral chapel in his hometown to make the arrangements for the burial and was denied because of Longoria being Mexican-American. She continued to try and was turned down each time even Dr. Hector Garcia a civil rights activist was refused. ââ¬Å"Dr. Garcia then broadened the nature of the dispute into an affair of honor involving notions of race, nationalism, political economy, and patriotism and profected it into a national and even international stageâ⬠(Carroll pg 112). The news went from a reporter all the way to high public officials including the President of the United States and the state department continuing as a three month long dispute. The author of Felix Longoriaââ¬â¢s Wake Patrick J. Carroll is a professor of History at Texas AM Corpus Christi. Carroll became apart of the University Faculty in 1976. Felix Longoriaââ¬â¢s Wake was originally to be written by Political Science Professor Frederick A. Cervantes who unfortunately passed away in 1986. A Civil Rights Activist appointed Carroll to complete the task. ââ¬Å"Felix Longoriaââ¬â¢s Wakeâ⬠received positive reviews and the Tullis Prize in 2003 for the best-published book on Texas history presented by the Texas State Historical Association. He was also a featured author in the 2003 Texas Book Festival. Carroll has given presentations across the nation and Mexico and received the Universityââ¬â¢s Excellence in Scholarship Award in 2004. The book was very well put together and organized with documented evidence and interviews from important people. A lot of research was put into this book and all the research used is cited in the back of the book. Since the topic is such a controversial topic I understand that all the information had to be correctly used which is why the research was so in-depth. The book was easy to read there was a few words I was unsure of and had to define in order to better understand them. The situation itself brought up other issues of that time such as: social, economic, and politics. The conclusion at the end really helps by summing up some main points considering there is a lot of information throughout the reading. The drawing and pictures included in the text are very interesting and it is really cool to get to see a picture from the funeral of Longoria, which was apart of a group ceremony. Historically Felix Longoriaââ¬â¢s incident really connected the Hispanic community with the rest of the public, the national public. ââ¬Å"The decision to bury Felix in a place other than Three Rivers became a collective demand for justice, dignity, and equalityâ⬠(Carroll Pg69). The incident casted light upon the social conditions and what was really going on in South Texas as well as educate America. ââ¬Å"And they chose the heroââ¬â¢s burial in Arlington National Cemetery, because what it does is place this incident, Mexican-American civil rights, within a national forum for the first timeâ⬠(Interview pg 2). And this had prior attempts that were unsuccessful. This was really the first time there had been a connection between the general public and Hispanics, which happened to be discrimination. It just so happened to be against a U. S. Soldier right after World War II and he happened to be Mexican-American. I would recommend this book to someone of age who can really understand. I think that some people could really look over this and not see why it is so important. My father served in the Viet Nam War and growing up I listened to so many stories that he would share. I know that he fought with all kinds of people including the Vietnamese so I think I myself have a better understanding. I really appreciate anyone who serves and fights to defend the United States. I think it is really amazing that people from other countries move their life here and decide to enlist and serve. Felix Longoria definitely earned his medals and deserves all the recognition along with anyone else that was fighting right beside him.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Critical Thinker and Culture free essay sample
The Critical Thinker and Culture R. Steve Terry American Sentinel University BSN 43611-A May 30, 2011 Margaret Lowenthal Abstract Using the textbook: Rubenfeld, M. G. Scheffer, B. K. (2010). Critical Thinking Tactics for Nurses: Achieving the IOM Competencies, 2nd Ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7637-6584 Using the checklist in Box 3-2, reflect on your culture and how it might affect your critical thinking habits of the mind. Then think of someone you work with who comes from a culture different from yours. Think of a patient from a different culture.How do you think those persons would answer the questions? Introduction: Taken directly from my first paper, ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å". Thinking as a Critical Thinker Critical thinking is something we do every day in our nursing jobs, and yet we dont put names to the parts and pieces of just what it is we are doing while making those decisions. Reading the first two chapters of our text book has opened my eyes, not only to what I do on a daily basis, but has given me insight on how to breakdown the process of critical thinking into manageable parts, with definitions for each phase. We will write a custom essay sample on The Critical Thinker and Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This breakdown of the process will not only help me in my day-to-day duties but will also help me communicate the process more easily to my peers. Now what would happen to the critical thinker when you add his or her cultural aspects to the way they put together and analyze their information gathered as that critical thinker? Do you think the influences of oneââ¬â¢s upbringing may enhance or impair critical thinking in the nursing field? Letââ¬â¢s start out by investigating my culture of youth where I was born into the Appalachian area of West Virginian.Appalachian Culture Appalachian is a land of high mountains and green forests, abundant springs and rivers, varied plants, animal and bird life. Its Cumberland range is big coal mining country. Its farms are traditionally small operations. The area to which you will be traveling is one of rich history and tradition (Commission on Religion of Appalachia, 1992). Being brought up in West Virginia, I have many memories of a style of living that my grandparents and their parents taught me about.One of the funniest traditions we have is a distrust of doctors. Where Iââ¬â¢m from in South Central, West Virginia, people only go to the hospital to die. Itââ¬â¢s my belief that this came about because most people from the hills only made it to the hospital at the last stages of disease so it was felt it was the last place to go before one dies. And this is not just in West Virginia itââ¬â¢s in all the Appalachian area. The geographic boundaries of Appalachia include portions of 13 states, reaching from southern New York to northern Mississippi.It contains 398 counties in the following states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. West Virginia is the only state that the region completely covers. The region is rural and urban, rich and poor (Frank S. Riddel, ed, 1984). Process of Learning Trust If you had asked me what critical thinking was before today, I would have probably explained in terms that resembled the nursing process, because that is what I have been educated about for eighteen years; but, donââ¬â¢t think itââ¬â¢s been easy for me.On the contrary, because of my cultural upbringing and the distrust in medicine that has long plagued not only Appalachia but my family as well, it was very difficult in the beginning of my nursing career to learn the subtle truths about creating a ââ¬Å"trustâ⬠atmosphere between myself and members of my cultural community. According to Rubenfield and Sheffer, critical thinking is the metaphorical bridge between information and action (Rubenfield ; Scheffer, 2010).Thatââ¬â¢s exactly what it has been for me, a bridge to bring trust to members of my communi ty. One of the biggest areas of difference in Appalachia and most other cultural areas is the distrust of anything that is outside of the community (Frank S. Riddel, ed, 1984). I believe as a critical thinker that knowing this has helped me understand how to communicate trust to this community and by knowing first the culture of my community it has helped me discern areaââ¬â¢s that I can control and areas that I cannot.I know to use the habits of confidence and perseverance to reckon with my community to build trust, because these are areas that my culture seeââ¬â¢s as important, although they live in present tense at most times, I feel that I can help them understand, ââ¬Å"the tomorrowâ⬠, if not getting treatment today type of concept. Conclusion Culture is just one of many aspects one must consider before jumping to any conclusions about communication. This is also true about critical thinking. This is why flexibility, open-mindedness and perseverance are such import part s of the Critical Thinking habits of the mind. Without them we may decide to just give up because we donââ¬â¢t understand why someone may not understand our end goals and why we want to help them. References Commission on Religion in Appalachia, ââ¬Å"Economic transformation: The Appalachian Challengeâ⬠(Knoxville, TN C. O. R. A. , 1992). Frank S. Riddel, ed. , ââ¬Å"Appalachia: Its People, Heritage and Problemsâ⬠(Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1984), xi. Rubenfeld, M. G. ; Scheffer, B. K. (2010). Critical Thinking Tactics for Nurses: Achieving the IOM Competencies, 2nd Ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Stifle, already!
Stifle, already! Stifle, already! Stifle, already! By Maeve Maddox Reader Brad Kruse came across this comment from the reader of a rabidly anti-health insurance reform site: die eisernen Stiefel (the iron jackboots) of Obamistas are methodically and systematicly [sic] destroying the very core of our country. Bradââ¬â¢s question has to do with the German word Stiefel, not politics: What I noticed was Steifel. à As in the old Archie Bunker, ââ¬Å"Stifle yourself, Edith!â⬠à Does stifle come from boot, as in ââ¬Å"put a boot in it?â⬠No, thereââ¬â¢s no connection between German Stiefel and English stifle. The boot-in-the-mouth image, however, certainly suits Archieââ¬â¢s personality. The word stifle has been in English with the sense of ââ¬Å"to choke, suffocate, drownâ⬠since 1387. It may have entered English by way of Old French estouffer, ââ¬Å"to stifle, smother.â⬠The French word in turn may derive from a Germanic source: Old High German stopfen, ââ¬Å"to plug up, stuff.â⬠Archieââ¬â¢s metaphorical sense of the word has been around since 1577. The expression eisernen Stiefel, literally ââ¬Å"iron bootâ⬠is usually translated into English as jackboot. A jackboot is a type of strong high boot without laces worn by farmers, motorcycle riders and soldiers. Because such boots were part of the Nazi uniforms in WW II, jackboot has taken on metaphorical associations with totalitarian government. Speaking figuratively, ââ¬Å"jackboot tacticsâ⬠are brutal and oppressive methods of control exercised by totalitarian dictators. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Whimsical Words25 Russian Words Used in English (and 25 More That Should Be)Predicate Complements
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Aluminum vs Aluminium Element Names
Aluminum vs Aluminium Element Names Aluminum and aluminium are two names for element 13 on the periodic table. In both cases, the element symbol is Al, although Americans and Canadians spell and pronounce the name aluminum, while the British (and most of the rest of the world) use the spelling and pronunciation of aluminium. Origin of Two Names The origin of the two names may be attributable to elements discoverer, Sir Humphry Davy, Websters Dictionary, or the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). In 1808, Sir Humphry Davy identified the existence of the metal in alum, which he at first named alumium and later aluminum. Davy proposed the name aluminum when referring to the element in his 1812 book Elements of Chemical Philosophy, despite his previous use of alumium. The official nameà aluminium was adopted to conform with the -ium names of most other elements. The 1828 Websters Dictionary used the aluminum spelling, which it maintained in later editions. In 1925, the American Chemical Society (ACS) decided to go from aluminium back to the original aluminum, putting the United States in the aluminum group. In recent years, the IUPAC had identified aluminium as the proper spelling, but it didnt catch on in North America, since the ACS used aluminum. Theà IUPACà periodic table presently lists both spellings and says both words are perfectly acceptable.à History of the Element Guyton de Morveau (1761) called alum, a base which had been known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, by the name alumine. Davy identified the existence of aluminum, but he didnt isolate the element. Friedrich Wà ¶hler isolated aluminum in 1827 by mixing anhydrous aluminium chloride with potassium. Actually, though, the metal was produced two years earlier, though in impure form, by the Danish physicist and chemist Hans Christian ÃËrsted. Depending on your source, the discovery of aluminum is credited to either ÃËrsted or Wà ¶hler. The person who discovers an element gets the privilege of naming it; however, with this element, the identity of the discoverer is as disputed as the name. Correct Spelling The IUPAC has determined either spelling is correct and acceptable. However, the accepted spelling in North America is aluminum, while the accepted spelling just about everywhere else is aluminium.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Site-directed mutagenesis of gene sequences in cells of plants, Essay - 1
Site-directed mutagenesis of gene sequences in cells of plants, insects and animals can be achieved in situ used engineered zinc - Essay Example It is now well known that there are many naturally occurring zinc finger motifs, the most common of which is the Cys2His2 or C2H2 zinc finger. This particular motif is made up of 2 antiparallel ?-sheets and an ?-helix that are coordinated by 2 Histidine (his) and 2 Cysteine (cys) residues binding a zinc atom (Figure 1). This binding, plus an inner structural hydrophobic core, stabilizes the secondary structure of the protein. Figure 1. The classic zinc finger protein is made up of approximately 30 amino acids where two cysteine and two histidine residues bind to a zinc atom. The zinc finger proteins are known mediators of metabolic interactions including protein-protein interactions and RNA binding. However, the most known are their roles in DNA sequence-specific binding. From early studies on the classical C2H2 zinc finger, it was found that the zinc finger differed in principle from the other DNA-binding proteins because several zinc fingers can be linked linearly to recognize DNA sequences of varying lengths (Klug, 2005). In contrast, other DNA-binding proteins utilize the symmetry of the double helix. Usually, more than one zinc finger domain participates in binding the DNA. Each zinc finger domain binds to three nucleotide (nt) bases on the major groove of the DNA. The ?-helix, also known as the recognition helix, binds to three or more bases of with specific sequences on the DNA. Since zinc finger proteins could have more than one zinc finger motif, the DNA contacts of adjacent or arrayed zinc fingers could overlap (Iuchi, 2005). Regions that are bound by the zinc fingers are usually spaced at 3 ââ¬â 5 bp apart. The modular design of the zinc fingers allows it to interact with the DNA at different regions, and allows them to be involved in many DNA interaction reactions. Thus, it is not surprising that the zinc fingers are the most encoded motif in the genome and are very abundant in nature. The highly sequence-specific DNA binding property of zinc fi ngers offered a lot of potential as a tool for regulating gene expression or for manipulating the genome. From the initial basic studies arose the design and engineering of zinc finger proteins for binding specific regions in the DNA, and synthesis of zinc finger nucleases for cutting the DNA at target sites and introduction of changes to the DNA (Davis & Stokoe, 2010; Durai, et. al, 2005). Zinc finger arrays can be engineered to bind long stretches of known regions in the genome and with the ultimate goal of finding cures to notable diseases. Some applications of zinc finger arrays are the inhibition of HIV-1 expression (Reynolds, et al., 2003) and the disruption of herpes simplex virus infection (Papworth, et al., 2003). To emphasize the importance of the zinc finger proteins, an online database was established that compiles information on known (naturally occurring) and engineered zinc fingers and zinc finger arrays (Fu, et al., 2009). Zinc Finger Nucleases A zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) is an engineered restriction enzyme that consists of a zinc finger array designed to recognize specific nucleotide sequences in the DNA, and a non-specific nuclease domain. Usually, the zinc fingers in the array have similar motifs as that of Cys2His2 zinc finger protein. The engineered zinc finger is fused with the cleavage domain of the restriction enzyme FokI endonuclease. Since FokI will cut the DNA only
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
United Nations AIDS Conference Simulation Essay
United Nations AIDS Conference Simulation - Essay Example This simulation activity involved the United Nations General Assemblies. According to Starkey, Boyer, Wilkenfeld, & Starkey (2010), the General Assembly is the deliberative faction of the United Nations and is made up of the United Nations member states each with a vote. The United Nations AIDS Committee is responsible for proposing and negotiating global resolutions in the fight against the HIV and AIDS epidemic (Starkey, Boyer, Wilkenfeld, & Starkey, 2010). Starkey, Boyer, Wilkenfeld, & Starkey further explain that these resolutions are then forwarded to the general assembly for a final vote (2010). Students were assigned different roles either as state delegates or non state delegates. The name of the committee was the United Nations General Assembly. The sponsor was the United Nations AIDS Committee who authored this resolution. Pre ambulatory phrases were used to state the issues that the Committee was to discuss and resolve. These statements stated the reasons for the Committee to resolve the issues. The issues discussed during the simulation included the reaffirmation of those resolutions that the United Nations General Assembly had developed in the previous assembly. The current and continual damage caused by the epidemic was identified. It was identified that there was need for the committee to restructure the techniques that were currently being used to combat the epidemic. The committee having realized the importance of nation states inputs on AIDS resolution efforts welcomed their ideas.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Business Plan For Sunshine Bakery Essay Example for Free
Business Plan For Sunshine Bakery Essay Sunshine Bakery will be specializing in visually attractive cupcakes and cakes. There has been a significant increase in demand for whimsical, overindulgent and visually stimulating cakes, and Sunshine Bakery will target special events such as weddings, birthdays, christenings, bachelorette parties and stork teas. The Products Sunshine offers a wide range of speciality cakes. All the flavours will be available in both cupcakes or cakes. The different flavours on offer are: vanilla, lemon, strawberry, chocolate, cheesecake, cherry cream and blue berry. Customers Sunshine will focus on three distinct customer segments. The first group is the wedding group. This segment is growing at 15% a year with 32,000 potential customers. The second niche is the parties group. This segment is also growing at 15% with 14,200 potential people. The last group is the individual buyer (walk-in) group. This niche also is growing at 15% with 48,000 possible customers. Management Team Recognizing the importance of human capital, Sunshine has assembled a strong management team. The team is led by Merlin Hull. Merlin comes to Sunshine with 10 years of baking experience. In addition to her industry specific experience, Merlin has had 2 years of management experience. Robert Morgan brings financial skills to Sunshine after a 15 year CPA career. Marlene Hendricks will lead the marketing efforts having participated in her own PR firm. Lastly, Debbie Reitz will be on the team as an assistant baker with over five years of experience. Objectives To establish a working storefront for Sunshine Bakery. To develop the strong presence in the community needed to support sales goals. To develop a full menu by the end of the second quarter. Mission Sunshine Bakery aims to be a cornerstone in the community creating aà neighbourhood atmosphere where customers feel comfortable and become instant regulars.We seek fair and responsible profit, enough to keep the company financially healthy for the long term and to fairly compensate owners and investors for their money and risk. Company Summary Sunshine Bakery will be located in downtown Mellville in a historical building. This downtown district is a very popular destination because of the historical architecture for weekenders and tourists. Company Ownership Currently Sunshine Bakery is a sole proprietorship owned by Merlin Hull. Eventually, as the company becomes established, Sunshine Bakery will apply to be incorporated. Start-up Summary The primary expense to establish the Sunshine Bakery is the mortgage loan estimated at R1,750,000 to purchase the vacant space on 7th street. The building was previously used as a bakery and we plan to buy the used equipment along with the space. This cost is also calculated into the loan estimate. Merlin Hull intends to invest R70,500 of her savings to cover the other cost of start-up. These costs include: Advertising brochures. Bakery ingredients. Insurance. Bakery accessories, i.e. paper bags, cartons, etc. Products Sunshine Bakery provides specialized cakes and cupcakes at premium prices for special occasions. The following flavours will be available vanilla, lemon, strawberry, chocolate, cheesecake, cherry cream and blue berry. Market Analysis Summary Our focus will be to target weddings, birthday parties, Easter celebrations, bachelorette parties and stork teas. Market Segmentation Our target market consists of three groups: The Wedding Group The wedding industry is booming and Sunshine bakery will focus on this group for whom a premium price can be charged for specialized and custom made cakes or cupcakes. The Parties Group This group will probably pre-order a variety of flavours, and it is not such a labour intensive order, because they will probably go for the less expensive option of choosing our standard products. The Individual Buyer or ââ¬Å"Walk-inâ⬠Group Sunshineââ¬â¢s premises in the Bellville area, is a very popular destination because of the historical architecture for weekenders and tourists, which makes this segment a lucrative option. We will focus on window display to attract passersby. Target Market Segment Strategy In our target market, we will mainly focus on the wedding group since they will spend the most per order. We expect that the parties and the individual buyer group will make up a smaller portion of our customers. We are specifically filling the speciality cakes needs of the wedding group, so we expect the most business from this group. Industry Analysis Sunshine Bakery competes in the Food Services Industry. In addition to competing with other specialized cakes bakeries, it competes with all restaurants, delis, bakeries and supermarkets for a share of its customers food expense. Sunshine is most concerned with competitors who differentiate their products and services with a creative and arty focus. Because this group is so large, Sunshine has chosen to limit its analysis to other specialized cakes bakeries. Competition and Buying Patterns Currently there are two bakeries in town that provide specialized cakes: Cupcakes from Heaven Strengths: Stocks freshly baked cupcakes and cakes. Well-à established bakery in town. Sells cakes in local grocery stores. Weaknesses: Does not provide a wide selection of flavours. Furthermore the texture and flavor of their cakes is very dense and lacks zest. Life is Beautiful Patisserie Strengths: Makes cakes and brownies every day. Will make custom-ordered non- gluten cakes. Weaknesses: Does not produce a wide selection or large quantity of cupcakes. Their main focus is traditional flavour large cakes. Strategy and Implementation Summary Our strategy focuses on serving a niche market with quality goods. We are determined to become a part of the communityââ¬âan establishment that becomes as much of the community as a church or local grocery store. To achieve these goals, we will provide the following: Friendly, neighbourhood-feel atmosphere Quality baked goods for everyone to enjoy at a fair price Visually attractive cakes and cupcakes Coffee sales will be higher in winter months, and for summer months sales of sodas Competitive Edge Our competitive edge is our quality of goods. We use only products of the highest quality that create incredible feathery cakes that canââ¬â¢t be matched. We also focus mainly on whimsical and modern flavours and designs. The other bakeries in town focus on traditional flavours. Sales Strategy Our strategy focuses on building a customer base by providing good customer experience. With the addition of the coffee bar and lunch menu in early spring, we hope to have customers make the bakery their one-stop destination for breakfast or lunch. In the summer, when we open the outdoor patio, more and more customers will make the bakery a destination for their lunches more often since the atmosphere will be so pleasing. Sales Forecast Our sales forecast assumes the following changes: Cake sales in the summer months will be slightly higher since the wedding season is at its peak during summer months. Coffee sales will increaseà during winter months. Please insert a Sales forecast graph here, indicating the projected sales for 12 months. Management Summary Merlin Hull is the founder of Sunshine Bakery. She brings to the bakery her experience as a baker and as an entrepreneur. She has worked as a baker for over 10 years including two years as an apprentice in a well-known Paris patisserie. As a teenager she helped her parents at the familys general store, both in sales and marketing. For her last two years at her familys store, she was the general employee manager. Her duties at the bakery will include employee hiring and training, head baker and store management. Robert Morgan has run his own successful CPA consulting firm for 15 years. His duties will include the bookkeeping, inventory management and stock fulfilment. Marlene Hendricks runs her own PR company and will be assisting the Sunshine Bakery in its marketing campaigns on a part-time basis.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Into The Lake Of The Woods Essay -- Literary Analysis, Tim OBrian
People often have nicknames to describe details about themselves. Nicknames are not self-created but given to the person from friends or even comrades. In ââ¬Å"Into The Lake Of The Woodsâ⬠By Tim O' Brian, this is the case with John Wade, a former soldier that was nicknamed ââ¬Å"Sorcererâ⬠. John Wade is named Sorcerer because of use of magic in his youth and how the men is his squad would feel protected because of his magical powers. As Sorcerer is Wade's alter ego, it seems that it goes on to cost him dearly later in his life. Wade eventually ends up becoming governor of Minnesota and tries to run for U.S Senate. He loses in a landslide victory to his opponent as evidence of the My Lai incident is uncovered. His actions as Sorcerer start to make his life for the worse. It is seen later that Wade's wife, Kathy, is missing and Wade is soon suspected as he remains calm and not involved in the search party. Oââ¬â¢Brien does not make it clear on how it Kathy's disappeara nce occurs but it is clear what happens. Sorcerer arrives again in John Wade as he pulls one final magic trick: to make Kathy disappear....forever. John Wade is an odd character in this novel as he goes through dramatic shifts in his life. Before the My Lai uncovering, John was seen as a respectable guy. He was physical attractive, had a ââ¬Å"beautiful womanâ⬠(21) as his wife and he was polished. Behind all that though was something, disturbing to say the least. John would ââ¬Å"wake up in the middle of the night screaming sometimesâ⬠(29). This was an indication that there were problems he was dealing with, and he was. John's depressing childhood and horrors of the My Lai incident eventually consumed him. John's childhood was rough because he had an abusive father which evidently, has s... ...stanced himself from relationships to concentrate on the horrible reality of war. As Sorcerer, he was able to kill without doubt and follow orders. He was seen as the magic protector of the squad as he also performed magic tricks in war. Sorcerer was able to keep him and the others safe and survive the Vietnam war. In the book, John Wade and Sorcerer are one. They are qualities of one person that ultimately makes him. It seems as the book progresses, Sorcerer takes over more and more until towards the end when Wade goes looking for Kathy. It seems Wade is able to overcome his loneliness and deteriorating mental state to come back as the respectable, good looking man people saw him as. We may never know what happened to Kathy and if the evidence chapter is really true in figuring out her fate but we see John Wade let go of Sorcerer and becomes himself again.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx In Karl Marx Communist Manifesto, he discusses his belief that with all of the Industrial Revolutions, and the stray away from traditional social order and agriculture, that the governments that supporting these revolutions is surely setting themselves up for, economic, social, and political failure. He makes his point very clear that the new machines and technological advancements during this time will negatively affect the working class. As the skilled laborers quit their trades and move to Inner cities to get Jobs in factories, there will surely be no one to teach or learn hat trade therefore that trade becoming extinct.He also shows the bourgeois as the mall reason for these new revolutions, and also how they are headed down a path toward communism. The workers will fall entrapped Into their work, and after some time will feel they cannot leave nor complain of harsh conditions or low wages, due the need to provide for their family. Marx shows that this will short term b enefit the bourgeois due to the Increase demand for the goods and the low wages they are having to pay the workers, however long term this will bring them down.The reason he believes they will fall is due to workers only working to supply food and rent, therefore they wont be able to purchase any of the goods being made. He states that the machines doing all of the labor work will, in time, replace workers and the bourgeois will be making products for people that have no money to buy them. Marx states that if there is any hope for society that there must be a change back to the old ways of farming, cattle, and stopping external trade.It is the belief of Marx that if Hess changes aren't made that we will also because a nation of one people and there will no longer be many different ideas, religions, and politics, which will lead to human extinction. Karl Mar's Communist Manifesto By clamshells to inner cities to get Jobs in factories, there will surely be no one to teach or learn mai n reason for these new revolutions, and also how they are headed down a path toward communism. The workers will fall entrapped into their work, and after some bourgeois due to the increase demand for the goods and the low wages they are
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Environmental Sciences Essay
In 1990 the Congress nominated the 9515 kmA? Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary ( FKNMS ) as portion of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ââ¬Ës ( NOAA ) National Marine Sanctuary Program. The chief end for this appellation was to protect the coral reefs, sea grasses, Rhizophora mangles, and other marine resources of the Florida Keys ( Suman et al, 1999 ) . NOAA was ordered by the Legislation ( P.L. 101-605, A7 ( a ) ( 2 ) ) to develop a temporal and spacial districting scheme as portion of the Sanctuary Management Plan to guarantee resource protection ( Suman, 1997 ) . NOAA coordinated the Draft Management Plan that was focused on be aftering attempts on action programs. The Zoning Action Plan proposed five distinguishable types of zones: Refilling Militias, Sanctuary Preservation Areas ( SPAs ) , Wildlife Management Areas, Special-use Areas, and Existing Management Areas ( NOAA, 1995 ; Bohnsack, 1997 ; Suman et al, 1999 ) . The Replenishment Reserves ( Key Largo, Sambos and Dry Tortugas ) and the SPAs were to be no-take countries, with consumptive utilizations restricted. The SPAs have the end to ââ¬Å" avoid concentrations of utilizations that could ensue in important diminutions in species populations or home ground or to cut down struggles between utilizations â⬠( NOAA, 1995 ) . Special-Use Areas were besides proposed and were designated for research merely. The Wildlife Management Areas were designated to restrain human entree to bird nesting and feeding countries, every bit good as polo-neck nesting sites ( Suman et al, 1999 ) . In 1996 the concluding Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary ( FKNMS ) Final Management Plan was released, with some changes from the old Draft Plan. The change in the Zoning Action Plan, included merely one little no return modesty ( Western Sambos ) of the three that it originally had proposed ( NOAA, 1996 ) and the postponed of the constitution of the big Dry Tortugas Replenishment Reserve. The name Replenishment Reserve was changed to Ecological Reserve to ââ¬Å" reflect public concerns over the intent of these countries â⬠( NOAA, 1996 ) . In 2001 the Tortugas Ecological Reserve was implemented ( Figure 1 ) .Figure 1: Florida Keys National Marine SanctuaryWhen the NOAA ââ¬Ës bill of exchange direction program was developed, Suman et Al ( 1999 ) and Shivlani & A ; Suman ( 2000 ) did a survey to frogmans ââ¬Ës perceptual experiences and attitudes of the direction schemes and ordinances of this program.The Tourism in the Florida KeysIn 1995-96, the tourer trip sum exce eded 3 million and an estimated 31.3 % of the visitants participated in diving or snorkel diving activities. Many of the 80,000 lasting occupants participated in the same activities as the tourers did ( Leeworthy & A ; Wiley 1996 ) . Particular activities, such as the mini-season spiny lobster attract over 30,000 frogmans within a individual hebdomad to the Keys ( Hunt, 1994 ) . The Florida Keys continue to develop its urbanisation due to the demand of people that live, but largely, to the tourers that visit the islands. The roads ( US 1 ) and the Bridgess associating the islands permitted the influx of people to the islands to about 80,000 lasting people ( Smith & A ; Nogle, 2001 ) in add-on to a 2,5 million visitants and seasonal tourers. Tourism ââ¬â with 76.8 million visitants in 2004 ( a record figure ) , Florida is the top travel finish in the universe. The touristry industry has an economic impact of $ 57 billion on Florida ââ¬Ës economic system. hypertext transfer protocol: // tabid=95Historic Economic ImpactEntire Tourism Spending ( Tourism/Recreation Taxable Gross saless ) 1999-2004: 1999 ââ¬â $ 44.6 billion 2000 ââ¬â $ 48.5 billion 2001 ââ¬â $ 48.6 billion 2002 ââ¬â $ 49.5 billion 2003 ââ¬â $ 51.5 billion 2004 ââ¬â $ 57.1 billion 2005 ââ¬â $ 62.0 billion Entire State Gross saless Tax Grosss from Tourism 1999-2004: 1999 ââ¬â $ 2.7 billion 2000 ââ¬â $ 2.9 billion 2001 ââ¬â $ 2.9 billion 2002 ââ¬â $ 3.0 billion 2003 ââ¬â $ 3.0 billion 2004 ââ¬â $ 3.4 billion 2005 ââ¬â $ 3.7 billion Number of Persons Directly Employed by Tourism Industry 1999-2004: 1999 ââ¬â 826,200 2000 ââ¬â 842,900 2001 ââ¬â 864,500 2002 ââ¬â 862,900 2003 ââ¬â 874,700 2004 ââ¬â 920,700 2005 ââ¬â 948,700 hypertext transfer protocol: // 2.5 million tourers yearly ââ¬â 13.3 million visitor-days yearly ââ¬â spend US $ 1.2 billion yearly ; ââ¬â coastal and Marine Waterss support 28.3 million occupations ; and ââ¬â United States coastal countries are the finish for 180 million yearly. ( Causey, 1998 ) Those 2,5 million visitants cause a large impact in the Keys as it needs Goodall and Stabler ( 1997 ) affirm that touristry induced bounds of acceptable alteration to local environmental conditions can be understood at different degrees. For Collins ( 1999 ) , there are different readings of sustainable touristry that make even harder to find local environmental transporting capacity bounds for touristry activity. Stakeholders values impacts in a different manner ( Van der Duim and Caalders, 2002 ) , so when a program or a extenuation are being done to seek to minimise the impacts that tourists activities may hold and go to to a sustainable development, all the local users have to take part on it. It is besides deserving to look for the tourer ââ¬Ës position, because they will be the 1s that will be coming back, divulgating the topographic point and bring forthing capital to it. When we talk about touristry activities ââ¬Ë impacts, most of the surveies discuss about their impact in the environment, such as: when frogmans are treading in coral reefs ( Fig. 11a ) , touching the animate beings ( doing them more susceptible to diseases ) , interrupting corals ( i.e. : killing a settlement ) , suspending deposits ( smothering corals and filters animate beings ) or slapping corals with fives during scuba diving or snorkel diving ( Fig. 11b ) ( Hawkins & A ; Roberts, 1992, 1993, 1997 ; Davis & A ; Tisdell, 1995 ; Rouphael & A ; Inglis, 1995 ; Hawkins et al. , 1999 ; Walters & A ; Samways, 2001 ; Krob, 2002 ; Tonioli et al. , 2004 ) ; when people paddle into the reefs while kayaking ( interrupting the corals and touching animate beings ) ; when people feed fish during boating activities ( disequilibrium in nutrient ironss in the ecosystem ) ( Krob, 2002 ; Tonioli, 2003 ) ( Fig. 11c ) ; when the boats anchor on reefs ( aching or killing corals ) ( Fig.11d ) and th row oil and wastewaters ( besides solid rubbish ) ( pollution and lessening in H2O quality ) into the H2O ; and cruise ships environmental impacts such as resuspension of deposits, turbidness, wastewaters, among others ( Lester and Weeden, 2004 ; Murray & A ; Associates, 2005 ) ; among many others environmental impacts.Figure 11: ( a ) Diver treading on coral reefs ; ( B ) A five hitting a coral reef ; ( degree Celsius ) Diver feeding the fish ; ( degree Celsius ) Anchoring on coral reefs.The nature-based touristry in the Keys is wholly depended on the coral reef ââ¬Ës quality, as the touristry industry attracts 1000s of recreational leghorns, frogmans, snorkelers, and glass-bottom boat users to the part ( Bhat, 2003 ) . Consequently the Marine militias established there are expected to better the reef environment, peculiarly coral and fish copiousness and diverseness ( Bhat, op. cit ) . In South Florida, tourists spend more $ 1.2 billion, which has a potency of bring forthing $ 2.94 billion in entire end product and $ 1.69 billion in income throughout the regional economic system ( Bhat, op cit ) . As a consequence of increasing demands for entree to the coral reef for recreational and commercial utilizations, this Marine ecosystem has shown marks of unsustainability in the last old ages ( Bhat, op cit ) . If Restoration attempts are non shortly done to diminish the existent rate of debasement, the Florida coral reef is expected to vanish in less than 10-25 old ages ( The New York Times, 1994 ) . This unsustainability is acquiring every clip more seeable and tourers are detecting the environmental debasements and effects causes for quality of life. Subsequently, the touristry rankings ushers began to worsen, mentioning stretches of commercial ocular pollution along stretches of US 1 ( Klinger, 1999 ) . In the face of the dependance of the local economic system on touristry, some local occupants are already oppugning the perceptual experience of promoting touristry growing ( Lynch, 1999d ) . Besides that, the Florida Keys still leads the State in cost of life indices, particularly lodging indices, being Key West the 4th most expensive land and lodging market in the U.S. ( Clark, 2002 ) . This leads to a hard adversity for service sector employees ( Lynch et al. , 1999 ) and to a commercial shifting endeavor from locally owned stores and eating houses to national ironss ( Deford, 1999 ) . Park et Al ( 2002 ) put out that scientists and ecologists should stress the importance to set up nonmarket values of coral reefs which can be used as inputs in measuring the overall cost effectivity of coral reef direction and extenuation plans. The debasement of such environment and the menaces to the H2O quality in the Keys has been a menace to the economic system of the topographic point ( Kruczynski and McManus, 2002 ) . All Keys ââ¬Ë stakeholders ( commercial and recreational users of resources, conservationists, scientists, resource directors, occupants and visitants ) agree that the diminution in H2O quality is endangering of import resources. Causey ( 2002 ) believes that the grounds of that diminution could be: the deficiency of fresh H2O come ining the Florida Bay ; foods from domestic effluent via shallow-well ; stormwater overflow incorporating heavy metals, fertilisers, insect powders, and other contaminations ; pollution from marinas and live-aboard vass ; hapless flushing of canals and embayments ; accretion of dead seagrasses and algae along the shoreline ; deposit ; and environmental alterations associated with planetary clime alteration and lifting sea-level. Bing the most obvious causes of decline non-point-source discharges and habitat debasement, the development and overexploitation, and alterations in reef fish populations because of over-fishing ( Keller and Causey, 2005 ) . The touristry activities call for a direction due to the impacts caused by it, with schemes that consider disproportional usage to efficaciously protect the part ââ¬Ës environmental resources, sing limited-entry system for honkytonk operators ( Shivlani & A ; Suman, 2000 ) and other users. The direction every bit good should hold the engagement of all stakeholders. There are a batch of struggles between stakeholders, as the Plan for the FKMNS create zones, which in some of them piscaries are non allowed but plunging and snorkeling are, when those last two can besides be impacting to the environmental if the frogmans are non cognizant of saving of the coral reefs, if their boats slop oil and throw rubbish into the ocean. It is a conflicting state of affairs, as there is zones merely for scuba diving and snorkeling with berthing buoys ( forestalling grounding on the reefs ) , but those zones do non hold a bound figure of frogmans that could be in it neither a environmental instructi on with frogmans to do them cognizant of the impacts they may do ( touching the corals, interrupting it, resuspending deposits, etc ) and enforcement to see if the Scuba Diving Operators and Boating activities are esteeming it. In relation to those zones, the major struggles are among fishers and scuba dive operation, as fishers felt extremely alienated from the procedure of zone appellation and displayed a sense of impotence with regard to what they considered to be an effort to except their group from the crop refugia ( Suman et al, 1999 ) . The piscaries in the Keys are divided into commercial, recreational and charter fishing. Most of the commercial piscaries ââ¬Ëcatch is harvest outside the boundaries of the FKNMS ( Milon et al, 1997 ) .GoalThe chief end of this paper is to compare frogmans ââ¬Ë perceptual experiences of direction schemes and ordinances in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary presents with their perceptual experiences when the FKNMS was implemented ( comparing the consequences obtained here with the consequences obtained by Suman & A ; Shivlani ( 1998 ) that had interviewed the Diving Operations when the Sanctuary was foremost implemented ) . And besides, through the interv iews, detect how the FKNMS does socioeconomic impact the diving industry in the Florida Keys.MethodologyA graded random sample of the Dive and Snorkel Operators was selected from a list of all known operators/owner in the Florida Keys. After that, a missive was sent to each Dive and Snorkel Operator selected in the sample, informing them about the research that would be realized, and the types of information that would be collected. The missive explained that a research worker would be acquiring in contact with them to set up clip and topographic point for an interview. The interview was based on a study that would inquire societal economic inquiries and besides, information about their cognition, attitudes and perceptual experiences of direction schemes and ordinances in the FKNMS ( The study ââ¬Ës inquiries analyzed on this paper are attached in Appendix 1 ) . From all the Dive and Snorkel Operators interviewed until now, there are 60 Operators interviewed, being 32 Operator from the Upper Keys, 9 from the Middle Keys and 19 from the Lower Keys. The end of the survey is to make 70 studies. The present paper will analyse the honkytonk operators ââ¬Ë cognition, attitudes and perceptual experiences of direction schemes and ordinances in the FKNMS and its impacts on their economic system. All the inquiries analyzed in this paper about the FKNMS Management have five types of reply: 1 -Strongly agree ; 2 ââ¬â Reasonably agree ; 3 ââ¬â Neutral ; 4 ââ¬â Reasonably disagree ; and 5 ââ¬â Strongly disagree. And all the societal inquiries about the frogmans profile have options to do the study easier and faster, and besides to ease the information analyzes. The information obtained through the interviews ( studies ) was statistically analyzed through the Excell and the StatMost plan.ConsequencesEconomic InformationAnalyzing the information obtained, it was possible to observe thatTable 1: Divers ââ¬Ë Operators Economic Information2004 Average costSuman & A ; Shivlani ( 1998 ) norm cost2004 Sum costSuman & A ; Shivlani ( 1998 ) sum costVessel value35.2431,03 167.792,00 20.441.000,00 11.655.000,00Dive cogwheel value55.675,44 16.885,00 3.173.500,00 1.981.800,00Compressor value31.808,82 1.081.500,00Docking fees15.845,88 6.918,00 538.760,00 283.222,00Interest payments on vas8.916,67 107.000,00Insurance9.582,54 527.040,00Vessel care2.3162,26 12.372,00 1.227.600,00 581.500,00Equipament care3.891,89 2.365,00 144.000,00 176.000,00Rent/costs25.313,04 582.200,00Ad10.363,04 476.700,00Table 2: Trip Expenses from the Divers ââ¬Ë OperatorsUpper KeysMiddle KeysLower KeysTrip ExpensesAverage Entire Average Entire Average EntireGas51,8 1451 52,9 528,9 83,8 1424Supplies16,8 420,5 14,1 113 37,9 607Crew98 1470 202,9 1420 161,4 1775Entire $ $ Upper3341,5Entire $ $ Middle2061,9Entire $ $ Lower3806Entire $ $ all Keys = 9209,4Table 3: Number of trips and norm of frogman and snorkeler per trip.Upper KeysMiddle KeysLower KeysNumber of trips Divers/ trip Snorkel./ trip Number of trips Divers/ trip Snorkel./ trip Number of trips Divers/ trip Snorkel./ trip Average 423.6 10.5 8.3 304.4 6.7 8.1 339.8 11.2 9.5Entire13139565437Figure 2: Honkytonk Operators ââ¬Ë household income derived from the diving industry.FKNMS Management InformationAll inquiries have options of replies and most of them have the option 1-5, discussed above. However the analyzes were done based on the amount of the inquiries which mean an understanding ( reply 1 plus answer 2 ) or a dissension ( reply 4 plus 5 ) with the inquiry. As good were analyzed replies in which the fishermen were impersonal to the inquiry ( answer 3 ) and besides replies which the fishermen would state ââ¬Å" I do non cognize â⬠for the inquiries made.Figure 3: Honkytonk Operators ââ¬Ë replies about FKNMS regulations and ordinances.Figure 4: Honkytonk Operators ââ¬Ë replies about FKNMS.Figure 5: Honkytonk Operators ââ¬Ë replies about FKNMS.Figure 6: Honkytonk Operators ââ¬Ë replies about resources quality.Figure 7: Is the FKNMS responsible for the resources quality?Figure 8: Honkytonk Operators ââ¬Ë replies about the c hief intent of the FKNMS zones.Figure 9: Who is the most benefited group from the FKNMS zones?Discussion and DecisionComparing the consequences obtained in this survey with the survey developed by Milon et Al ( 1197 ) , it was possible to observe that even 10 old ages after the execution of the Sanctuary, the fishers still feel the same manner they did ten old ages ago. It is notably the struggles between commercial fishers with recreational fishers and leghorns. And besides, the struggles between recreational and commercial frogmans with the commercial fishers. The SPAs ( Sanctuary Preservation Areas ) that had as chief end the decrease of user struggles have failed to accomplish that. Actually, the struggle seems to hold even increased, as the commercial fishers feel that the regulations and ordinances for the Sanctuary developed by NOAA, were unjust to them. Even though the chief end of the zones is non to increase piscaries, the surveies done by Cox & A ; Gregory ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) showed that some of the zones are excessively little to wholly protect lobsters from crop. So, with the present size that the zones have, even though the chief end is of the Sanctuary may non be increasing the stocks, how worth is it to maintain them with that size, if it will non be efficient to refill the stocks and has lead to so much users struggles? I am non proposing that those countries should be re-open or neither stating that they should be increased ( to be able to back up the refilling of some species ) , because this would increase even more the users struggles. However, I do believe that if they are to protect and conserve the reefs and its habitant species, nil besides research should be allowed in at that place. If fishers can non travel in it, frogmans should non be allowed. Besides, i f there are zones that merely the frogmans can travel, there should be zones that merely fishermen could travel. That manner it could be scientific compared which countries would be more wedged and every bit good, those could be ââ¬Å" sacrificed â⬠countries. NOAA could besides make rotary motion through the zones through the old ages, still go forthing some closed zones for everyone. When NOAA developed the regulations and ordinances for the Sanctuary they were unjust to the fishers because they closed the countries for their usage, but left it unfastened to the frogmans. If the SCUBA diving activity does non work with environmental instruction, intending non merely verbal instruction, but besides practical instruction ( teachers and dive Masterss plunging with the frogmans, commanding their floatability and learning them to non step on the corals ( treading ) or touching anything ) the activity can be really wedged to the environment, chiefly in countries sensitive such as coral reefs. In the Sanctuary, this ââ¬Å" practical â⬠environmental instruction does non go on and the frogmans can make whatever they want under wateraÃâ à ¦ This is an issue that NOAA shall develop in the Sanctuary. The touristry industry has besides be a job to the fishers, due to the addition of the monetary values in the Keys. It is much more expensive to populate in Keys today than it used to be ten old ages ago. When I talked to some fishers that left the piscaries in the Keys, most of them seemed to hold left it because of the extremely cost of life in the Keys combined with their economic loss in the piscaries ( with the last hurricanes a batch of them lost a batch of traps an could non return to the piscaries or had to get down fishing for person else ) . Some of the fishers would besides correlate the touristry growing with the lessening in H2O quality. Even tough most of them feel that the Sanctuary was non the most responsible for the existent conditions of the resources ; they would besides notice that NOAA should be more concern and turn to the issue of H2O quality. The other issue, besides addressed by the commercial fishermen is the deficiency of enforcement to the recreational fishers and leghorns. Most of those users, harmonizing to the fishers, transgress the regulations most of the clip and stop up non being caught by the governments. Harmonizing to the interviewed fishers, a batch of them truly do non cognize about the regulations and ordinances, and some of them merely pretend that they do non cognize. In both instances, when it happens that they are caught, they are most of clip non penalized as the authorization believes that they did cognize about the regulations and ordinances. This being truth or non, once more, NOAA has the duty to turn to that issue, informing the recreational users about the Torahs, for illustration, giving them explicative booklets about the zones, and so, if they are in the countries where they should non be or if they are transgressing any piscary ordinance, they should be punished. The commercial fishers besides feel that there is a deficiency of information about the regulations and ordinances for themselves every bit good. They said that it is invariably altering and if they are non informed and they do something incorrect, they are punished anyhow. In that instance, NOAA could direct enlightening newssheets updating them about the piscaries regulations and ordinances and this newssheet should be written in English and Spanish, as a high per centum of the Hispanic fishermen do non talk in English. With all this regulations and ordinances that have been input through those old ages, I believe that has been a loss in the societal cultural individuality of the fishermen. The civilization of the Keys Fishermen, the individuality of being a Fisherman is acquiring lost. Now there is all those divisions ( because of certifications ) which they have to option what sort of fishermen will they beaÃâ à ¦ They need to make up one's mind whether they want to catch grouper and center or lobsters or rock pediculosis pubis or pelagic and so onaÃâ à ¦ This may non look to be a job for some directors but merely a consequence of piscaries direction. In my sentiment it is an of import issue, because in somehow they are fring their individualities as fishermen, but it is a job that it is really difficult to turn to, if attempts should every clip more be decreased. As a decision of the present research developed, it was noted that most of the commercial lobster fishers interviewed seemed to be excluded from the determinations ( in any procedure of the Sanctuary ) and experience powerless against the system. That is a large issue as in the dimension that the Keys are right now it is difficult to propose a direction based more on the local community or a co-management based. However, in some manner, the fishermen need to be more participative on the procedure to develop regulations and ordinance. My chief suggestion still would be the closing of the bing zones for everyone and the resettlement of some to specific diving activities, others for commercial piscary and other for recreational piscaries.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Using the Verb Grow in Example Sentences for ESL
Using the Verb Grow in Example Sentences for ESL New English learners are constantly growing their vocabulary and learning new irregular verb forms. This page provides example sentences of the verb grow in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. See how much your knowledge has grown with the quiz at the end. Examples of Grow for Every Tense Base Form grow / Past Simple grew / Past Participle grown / Gerund growing Present Simple Mary grows vegetables in her garden. Present Simple Passive Vegetables are grown in that garden. Present Continuous My daughter is growing up fast! Present Continuous Passive Lettuce is being grown in this area of the garden. Present Perfect She has grown all kinds of plants. Present Perfect Passive All kinds of plants have been grown in this garden. Present Perfect Continuous We have been growing those plants for two months. Past Simple They grew the best tomatoes last summer. Past Simple Passive The best tomatoes were grown by the Smith family. Past Continuous She was growing up quickly when they decided to send her to military school. Past Continuous Passive Many plants were being grown by the Smith family. Past Perfect They had grown up in Seattle before they moved to Portland. Past Perfect Passive The customer base had been grown by Peter before Jack took it over. Past Perfect Continuous She had been growing up in Seattle before she moved to Portland. Future (will) We will grow vegetables in our garden. Future (will) passive Vegetables will be grown in our garden. Future (going to) We are going to grow vegetables in that garden. Future (going to) passive Vegetables are going to be grown in that garden. Future Continuous This time next year she will be growing quickly. Future Perfect She will have grown up a lot by the end of this year. Future Possibility She might grow up if you challenge her. Real Conditional If she grows vegetables, she will give some to her neighbors. Unreal Conditional If she grew vegetables, she would give some to her neighbors. Past Unreal Conditional If she had grown vegetables, she would have given some to her neighbors. Present Modal We can grow vegetables in the garden. Past Modal They must have grown vegetables in that garden. Quiz: Conjugate With Grow Use the verb to grow to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct. Vegetables _____ in that garden.The customer base _____ by Peter before Jack took it over.They _____ the best tomatoes last summer.Mary _____ vegetables in her garden.Lettuce _____ in this area of the garden this summer.We _____ vegetables in that garden. Thats the plan.If she _____ vegetables, she will give some to her neighbors.Vegetables _____ in that garden. At least, thats the plan.They _____ up in Seattle before they moved to Portland.She _____ all kinds of plants for the past six years. Quiz Answers are grownhad been growngrewgrowsis being grownare going to grow vegetablesgrowsare going to be grownhad grownhas grown
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Organizational studies Essays
Organizational studies Essays Organizational studies Essay Organizational studies Essay The main characters in this movie are James p. Sully and Mike Waxworks as the workers at the Monster Inc. Another key characters are Henry J. Watermelon the Company Chairman, Randall Bogs the co-worker, Number 001 the Chief Of Children Detection Agency (CAD) and Boobs as the children. Generally, Monster Inc. Is viewed as a power sourcing company with target to produce energy source as many as they can and they have a slogan Mime scare because we care. They have scaring doors as a production doors and numbers of highly skill and professional scare teams. It is assumed that Monster Inc. Is the sole electrical energy provider for Monstrosities using children fearful scream as a source. The source is collected and preserve in the energy bank in the form of yellow bottle can. Monstrosities is populated with monster being and the films showed that the connection between monster world and human world is the children. The technique to scare the children is not easy as it perceive because from the beginning the monster believe that children are toxic and touching them would be fatal. Monster Inc has a training centre to produces the special scaring team that can go into the unman world and scare the children effectively without physical touch to their body or any of their belongings. How the Monster Inc does reflect as an organization? What elements of organization that can we expound from the movie? Company Theory Monster Inc as a commercial organization, they employ monster to achieve the target, and they bring together the monster and the sources to produce the solutions of the needs. Monster Inc has a leader to manage the organization. The company in the movie is a large power company. Just like any factory, employees bunch in to start work and bunch out at the end of he day. Employees and managers are separate in the hierarchy of the organization. In the Organizational theory, study of the organizational behavior with the environments, Monster Inc fit in the Resource Dependence Theory. Resource Dependence Theory is a theory of organization that seeks to explain organizational and inter-organizational behavior in terms of those critical resources which an organization must have in order to survive and function. As an open-systems theory, the resource dependence argument suggests that a given organization will respond to and become dependent on hose organizations or entities in its environment that control resources which are both critical to its operations and over which it has limited control. From the Movie, Monster Inc. Have three external environments that they need to adapt in their organization, the population, CAD and the children. The production of the power of the screaming children contributes to the survival of Monster Inc. They have imperative responsible to provide daily needs of the monster world, without Monster Inc. The monster world will have disastrous circumstances. So they have the obligation to maintain their revises in order to avoid that situation. Apart of that they have to complied with the regulations that no physical contact with the human world. Monster Inc. Company Organizations has been designed adapting to those environments. If any of the factor changes, Monster Inc. Also need to change. Their setback with one of the environments is that their only source of energy has evolved; the children are becoming hard to scare and Monster Inc. Chairman found that the situation is critical. This is where Henry and Randall secretly find alternative means to extract children scream by force. Their lack operation is a reaction of the scarcer resources and the policy set by the CAD. There is no observation that indicates Monster Inc. Acquire Research and Development department that can innovate the technology of power extraction. All by coincidence, they found other alternative resource to acquire the power source, which are by extracting children laugh that are ten times stronger than their scream. Scaring technique is not required anymore and technique making the children laugh is the preferable skill. Also there are no harms of physical contact with the human. At the end Monster Inc. Have hanged and may evolve into better organizations which the resources are multiple now. Company Structure @ Company System Monster Inc. Organizational structure is designed in hierarchy structured. First there is distinction between the workers what might be called administrators like the CEO and COO and the training manager. This shows that there are a hierarchy of managers and workers in the company. Second the leadership is shown on personnel level when Mike and Sully go out their way to save the company and the child form destruction. They uncover scandal in the organization that goes all the way up to the CEO. Their main components in the organization is the Scarecrows, they have numbers of scaring team working daily producing the power resource. The scaring team comprise of the scarcer and assistant. The scaring team on the Scarecrows in structured in horizontal line provides mass outcome daily. It is assumed that the account department, marketing department and training department are at the same level structured where they are direct link to the chairman. CAD is not part of the company, but CAD may not relevant in future in their operational after finds that there is no toxic effect by the children if contact. Company Strategy Monster Inc fosters good image and a reliable power company to the perception of the public in their advertisement. Even after the reveal of the scandal, Monster Inc they have promoted new paradigm of power sourcing where by the end of the film, the company is back in the black and a positive light when they change from screams to laughter as the best practice for powering their world, During the movie we see television commercials for the company with its slogan and tagging. We also see magazine covers and advertisements with corporate image messages. They continuously enhance laity of create power where the scarcer compete each other to be the high score scare leader. Through their work and through the training program, the organization is trying to improve their efforts to create power for the city. Turning to laughs in the end, instead of screams, is really TTS. Corporate culture Monster Inc presents corporate culture that shown in the routine of the workers. Employees of different job types socialize together in the break room and in the hallways. Workers relationships have created a culture which is the workers activities, the company history in the intranet and the way the errors look up to Sully and Mike and the CEO, who uses a walking around type of management style. Sullen is a hero of the company because he has been the lead scarcer for years. Other employees look up to him for advice. The company values safety and quality work. This is shown through the display of safe days and high production of the scarcer. Rites and rituals are also there through the procedures that are used and reinforced by the employees. Conclusion It seems that in this movie, Monster Inc the only company that serves the public for power resource. Without Monster Inc, the disruption of power apply may unavoidable, and this is unacceptable circumstances. As a Company in the Movie, more or less, few organizational lessons can be extracted as example for learning purposes. Company seems to be observed as classic bureaucracy but equipment and technology may change the management theory into scientific management after finding out the laughter is the best options for power source. Company strategy must have far vision to make sure there will be no disruption of resource.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Individual Leadership Growth Reflection1 Assignment
Individual Leadership Growth Reflection1 - Assignment Example This means that I am capable of becoming a person and a leader who is aware of both his strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, I believe that the genuineness of my character is also one of my strengths and another reason why I believe I am fit to be an authentic leader (Kruse, 2013). I have also realized that I am a mission-driven person, which means one who is above his concerns for self-interest and is focused on results (Kruse, 2013). By being mission-driven, I could actually effortlessly encourage people to work out a particular project without having to please me, thus they can follow my example and they also do not focus on their happiness. Rather, they focus on the completion of the project for that is the only thing that can actually bring them so much joy and satisfaction. Moreover, by being mission-driven myself and by inspiring others to be the same kind of person, I can personally say that one can accomplish something fast only if he does not focus on the problems of the present or on how difficult it is to do it. In short, being mission-driven makes one ignore the difficulties one would normally experience when trying to achieve a goal. This is therefore one of the major keys to professional success. According to Kruse (2013), an authentic leader leads with his heart and is therefore not afraid to show his emotions. This means that whenever I lead people someday, I believe I will use my heart in leading them, which is through love, concern and example. This is in conjunction with my desire to focus on supporting people and to show them empathy and care, which are essential parts of my leadership growth plans. The best way I can achieve this rather emotional leadership is to acknowledge the hardships that each member experiences while they are trying to accomplish the goals of the group or the company. Moreover, according to Kruse (2013), an authentic leader must possess long-term focus and must emphasize hard work and patience. This
Friday, November 1, 2019
Linguistics essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Linguistics 2 - Essay Example he basis for such concepts as ââ¬Ëmelting potââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëethnocentricityââ¬â¢, where it was considered possible that all newcomers would blend into the existing society. Bennett (1993) believes that this does not work and that applying oneââ¬â¢s own perspective is the source of ongoing conflict everywhere. Empathy, however, approaches communication from a point of ââ¬Ëdifferenceââ¬â¢ (Bennett 1998, p. 203), acknowledging that everyone is different from the other, from a multitude of angles and that only by acknowledging and valuing this difference, real communication can be achieved. In other words, empathy assumes the perspective of the other. Bennett (1998 p. 209) proposes 6 steps to achieving empathy, including acknowledging that there is difference, based on self-understanding, on temporarily suspending this self and allowing empathy with the other to take place. This can be achieved through what Bennett calls guided imagination an emphatic experience, re-establishing self once the period of empathy has finished. As you have made us aware, you are planning a strike in the near future, with the aim of obtaining an increase in wages. From our initial discussions, we now both are aware that we are different in our approaches to this problem. As you are now aware that the Chinese workers are not favour of this move and we are entering into this correspondence with the aim of arriving at a compromise acceptable to both parties. This may perhaps be more successful, if we understand the reasons for each otherââ¬â¢s position. Therefore, we would first like to explain the motivation behind our move to forego higher wages. To begin with, we would like you to understand that, like you, most of the Chinese men working here have left everything behind to follow their dream of a better life for their families in California. While the railroads were being built, employment was good and we did well, but once they were finished, there was little chance that there would be further
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Bribery Scandal at Siemens AG Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Bribery Scandal at Siemens AG - Case Study Example In relation to the issues, some people analyzed different things that they could use as ways of justification of the events of the scandals and assumed that it was not a serious issue. For instance, Siemens AG officials did not accept that they had involved themselves in a case of bribery by saying that the money went to the payment of an external consultant. Otherwise, the court determined the case that the money coincided with procurement of some equipment from various international markets during the period. One of the most notable cases in the contract scandals involved â⠬6 million, which some Siemens AG management had paid to some foreign officials involved in a natural gas turbine contract, which Siemens AG wanted to win. Siemens AG had involved itself in several other scandals in Germany and in other countries between 2005 and 2006, and some other cases were under investigations and not yet clarified. In defense, the convicted employees argued that the action was not a vi olation of any law because it never was for a personal gain, and said that it was a plan to secure a productive deal the company needed, and the money was part of the bid. The defense the Siemens employees raised was a misinterpretation of the law because they based their arguments on the issue that, it is the custom of multinational companies, to establish their businesses on bribery and corruption, to win international contracts. This was a deviation from the ethical laws which requires companies to exercise what is right in coming up with business deals that are related to the work they are doing. According to business ethics for multinational companies, an action is moral if doing it does not contravene the culture or the wellbeing of the host country. Although there are differences in culture, in different places in the world, a wrong act remains so regardless of the place of origin of the doer and the people who do it and the perceived benefits to the trading company (Boatrigh t 335). In some cases, differences in culture have influenced the conduct of the people in the business relations because the individuals in the context depend on the perspective of the residents of country in which they trade. Many companies practice double standards which make them neglect some ethical standards they bear from their home countries and in conforming to the standards of the foreign countries, do illegal activities (Boatright 335). This could be the reason why Siemens AG involved itself in different scandals in various countries in order to secure some opportunities in the market, and ensure their competitiveness. Question 2 In failing to extend the term of service of Klaus Kleinfeld, who was the Chief Executive officer (CEO) of Siemens AG, the supervisory board did not do the right thing. The board generalized the issues of the scandals without a clear focus to the criminals in the management in an attempt to clean up the name of the company in the world market. Des pite the fact that the supervisory board of Siemens AG did not get anything toà implicateà directly onà Kleinfeld in any of the scandals; he was an active person in establishing the company as a profitable business (Krishna and Purkayastha 11). The way of thinking of the supervisory board members to clean up the top management without considering the personal contribution of those individuals was a bad generalization. This is because the integrity of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Psychology of Personality Essay Example for Free
Psychology of Personality Essay Psychology of personality is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study of personality and the individual differences. The main areas of focus are usually looking at individualââ¬â¢s psychological processes, the individual differences and studying how human behavior is similar. Personality is usually defined as well organized and dynamic set of characteristics possessed by a person that distinctively influence the cognitions, behavior in various situations and motivations. Since personality is complex and dynamic, various psychologists have come up with different theories to explain the different personality types. For the purpose of this paper, Freudââ¬â¢s psychoanalytic theory and Jungââ¬â¢s theory of personality shall be used to analyze the personality of a lady friend by the name Ann. Since most people have various personality disorders, Annââ¬â¢s personality disorder shall also be analyzed. Freudââ¬â¢s Theory of Personality The Freudââ¬â¢s theory of personality illustrates that personality of a human being is made up of three structures namely; the ego, superego and id. The id contains instincts and it is usually unconscious. The ego develops after the id and is considered to be the executive branch of personality since it uses reasoning to make decisions. Both the ego and id have no morality but the superego is the structure that contains morality as it takes into account whether something is right or wrong. The superego is also referred as the conscience since it has the ability to judge whether something is right or wrong. According to Freudââ¬â¢s theory of personality, personality is established at around five years of age. Studies suggest that the early childhood experience influence human behavior and continue to do so through out the whole life (Mitterer Coon 2008). Further studies illustrate that behavior of a person develops through a series of childhood stages and the driving force during the stages is usually the psychosexual energy. Incase all the stages are completed successfully, healthy personality develops and if not, fixation occurs which leads to a personality disorder. These stages of development include the anal, oral, phallic, latent, and genital stage. Some of these stages shall be discussed comprehensively while analyzing Annââ¬â¢s personality. Jungââ¬â¢s Theory of Personality Jung is psychologist who accomplished much but his personality theory of introversion and extroversion gained a lot of recognition and overshadowed the rest of his work. His theory suggests that introversion and extroversion are opposing attitude types that make a person to behave in a particular way. According to this theory of personality, human behavior is controlled by the introversion and extroversion attitudes. He defines an introvert as someone who is quite aware of the inner world and does not give much thought to the external world. An introvert attitude is usually more concerned with the subjective appraisal and considers dreams and fantasies more. On the other hand, an extrovert is usually characterized by the outside movement of the psyche energy. An extrovert attitude places more importance on the objectivity and at the same time gains a lot of influence from the outer environment than the inner cognitive processes. Nonetheless, the theory suggests that it is still possible for one person to have both attitudes though more often than not one must be overshadowed by another. The four functions of the personality theory namely, thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition were combined so as to come up with the eight personality types. Discussion Ann is a twenty five year old lady who currently works as a research scientist. She is very competent and productive, and since she was employed two years ago, she has received a number of awards due to her competency. She happens to be the first born in the family of four and has been brought up by very strict parents. Though she loves people, she mostly prefers to be alone and in social functions she prefers to remain calm and only talks with people close to her. She spends most of her leisure time reading or watching television when she is not studying. She can make a very good friend but once angered she reacts aggressively and she can put up a fight very first. In addition, she is quite independent and barely shares her things with other people. However, many people usually complain of her reserved and cold nature but she is quite orderly and maintains high level of cleanliness. In application of the Jungââ¬â¢s theory of personality, Ann displays more of an introvert attitude than that of an extrovert. While making decisions, Ann takes her time analyzing the available options and is not easily influenced by the outside factors which display an introvert attitude as illustrated by Jungââ¬â¢s theory of personality. She often makes a decision which suits her best, without giving much consideration to what others may think of her. Moreover she works best while alone and does not prefer social functions unless when it is very necessary. A person with such behavior is classified as an introvert by the Jungââ¬â¢s theory of personality (Gelpi 1993). While applying the Freudââ¬â¢s theory of personality, some of the behavior that characterizes Annââ¬â¢s personality can be attributed to the experiences she passed through during the early childhood stages. The fact that she holds a lot of mistrust toward people illustrates that the care takers did not feed her on demand during the oral stage. However, during the anal stage, she received the appropriate toilet training hence the reason why she is quite competent, productive and orderly (Dumont, Wedding Corsini 2007). Personality Disorder A personality disorder is often described as an enduring pattern of inner experiences and behavior that seems to deviates from individualââ¬â¢s culture and sets in during early adulthood or adolescence stage (Dobbert 2007). Since most of these behaviors are pervasive and also chronic they usually cause impairment in the daily life. A study of Annââ¬â¢s life shows that she most probably suffers from a paranoid personality disorder. It is a disorder that is characterized by agoraphobia, depression and substance abuse as illustrated by the studies of (Dobbert, 2007). Ann displays most of the symptoms associate with paranoid disorder because she does not trust people, gets angry quickly especially if she thinks that she is being deceived, thinks that people are untrustworthy, she is always serious and secretive, and always analyzes every gesture and conversation to look for the hidden meaning. The above mentioned Annââ¬â¢s personality traits illustrate that she suffers from paranoid personality disorder since the same symptoms characterize the disorder are part of the diagnostic criteria of the disorder. Conclusion and Recommendation Psychology of personality is very important since it helps in understanding different personalities as illustrated by the different behaviors. In psychology, there are many theories that have been established to explain different personalities. Despite the fact that all have the same goals some contain controversial ideas. However, they are still very helpful. In this study, the Freudââ¬â¢s theory of personality which illustrates that early childhood experiences shape the behavior of a person has helped in understanding the personality of Ann. It was possible to deduce that her mistrust originates from her oral stage as her caretakers did not feed her on demand. Such an experience makes an infant to lose trust on people. Jungââ¬â¢s theory of personality helps in understanding that the reserved nature of Ann is a result of an introverted attitude. In addition, the study has been of great help since it was possible to realize that Annââ¬â¢s pervasive behavior of excessive mistrust is as a result of a paranoid personality disorder. References Dobbert, L. D. , (2007). Understanding personality disorders: an introduction. Westport, Greenwood Publishing Group. Dumont, F. , Wedding, D. Corsini, J. , (2007). Current Psychotherapies. Stamford, Cengage Learning. Gelpi, D. L. , (1993). Committed Worship: Adult Conversion and Initiation. Collegeville, Liturgical Press Mitterer, J. O. Coon, D. , (2008). Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior. Stamford, Cengage Learning.
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