Thursday, October 3, 2019

Binge drinking Essay Example for Free

Binge drinking Essay ?Binge drinking, especially among the youth, has been on the rise in Singapore. explore some of the reasons why youths resort to binge drinking and the consequences. What is binge drinking? This happens when someone drinks excessive amounts of alcohol. To drink alcohol socially is one thing, For instance, at parties and at gatherings. Conversely, when alcohol is heavily consumed over a short period of time, also commonly known as, binge drinking, it brings about undesirable health effects to the body. Binge drinking has been discovered to be more common among youths aged 18 – 29 years old in Singapore. Statistics show that 18. 7% of them have been found to be men and 12. 2% of them women (â€Å"Binge drinking among†, 2013). Peer pressure, affluence and stress are some reasons why youths engage in binge drinking. It is crucial to explore reasons why youths revel in binge drinking despite its obvious dangers. Binge drinking can be described as excessive drinking which can be hazardous to one’s health. This essay will discuss the reasons why youths enjoy binge drinking and its destructive consequences. Peer pressure is one of the essential drivers of binge drinking. Teenagers are often influenced when they see their friends drinking while some simply do not want to feel left out at parties and gatherings (Dowshen, 2013). Who would really want to stand out from the rest of their friends? It is normal and common for teenagers to want to fit in. Many a times, teenagers find it difficult to resist their friends’ invitations and hence, end up indulging in binge drinking with their friends. This is to a great extent common among teenagers with friends who consistently drink. Affluence is another cause of binge drinking. It is often stereotyped that youths of low-income families are more likely to resort to drinking and substance abuse due to financial and emotional problems. However, findings have proven otherwise. Youths from affluent families are highly inclined to engage themselves in binge drinking due to the pressure that is placed on them by their parents to excel well in school and all other areas (Luthar, 2014). Apart from that, with the accessibility to easy money, loads of free time and lack of parental supervision, affluent youths result to binge drinking because of the carefree and luxurious lifestyle they live in (White, 2007). Stress is a popular reason why teenagers resort to binge drinking. Teenagers are often stressed out with school. Case in point, when they are loaded with huge amounts of homework and given almost no time to finish them. They view alcohol as a way to get themselves ‘high’ and relieve their stress (Cyhlarova, 2010). This frequently brings about binge drinking. Apart from the stress they get from school, teenagers can also be stressed due to relationship issues. They heavily depend on alcohol to dispose of their worries and stress. Binge drinking can result in both long term and short term health effects. Some long term effects are liver disease and kidney damage. Alcohol poisoning is one of the most deadly short term effects of binge drinking (Burke, 2012). At the point, when an individual consumes alcohol excessively, their pharyngeal reflex and breathing gets affected. The pharyngeal reflex is known to help to prevent one from choking. Therefore, if the reflex does not function well, one might die of choking on their own vomit. In conclusion, parents play an enormous role in being a good role model to their children. They are responsible for educating their children from young on the impacts of binge drinking and why they should not engage in it. In addition, parents can be vigilant and keep an eye over their children. For example, keeping track of their daily activities and the people they hang out with. Research has shown that when parents go the extra mile and put in effort to be more involved in the lives of their children, it reduces the likelihood of their children drinking. Teenagers can also play their own part in protecting themselves from falling into the trap of binge drinking. They can do so by wisely choosing their circle of friends. They should avoid having friendship ties with friends who consistently pressure them to drink along with them and instead make good friends with those who lead them in the right path. Binge drinking is a behaviour that comes with a heavy price to pay. However, with the right prevention measures put in place, teenagers can stay safe, away from this deadly habit. (620 Words) References Binge drinking among young adults remains a concern, say doctors. (2013). Retrieved from http://news. xin. msn. com/en/singapore/binge-drinking-among-young-adults-remains-a-concern-say-doctors-1 Burke, D. (2012). Alcohol overdose. Retrieved from http://www. healthline. com/health/acoholism/overdose#Overview1 Chavez, N. (2004). Preventing adolescent binge drinking. Retrieved from http://www. youthbingedrinking. org/you/parents. php Cyhlarova, E. (2010). Alcohol: a cure for stress? Retrieved from https://www. drinkaware. co. uk/check-the-facts/health-effects-of-alcohol/mental-health/alcohol-a-cure-for-stress#adverse Dowshen, S. (2013). Binge drinking. Retrieved from http://teenshealth. org/teen/drug_alcohol/alcohol/binge_drink. html# Luthar, S. (2014). The problem with rich kids. Retrieved from http://www. psychologytoday. com/articles/201310/the-problem-rich-kids Wilkins, E. (2008). Teens, alcohol and binge drinking: why kids are drinking hard alcohol at a younger age. Retrieved from http://www. empoweringparents. com/Teens-Alcohol-and-Binge-Drinking. php# White, P. (2007). The dare side of wealth: risks associated with growing up in an affluent family. 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